First & Only


What does it mean to be first? To pioneer, to lead, to begin. Being first often means waking up early (gotta get that worm!) and staying up late. Being first means getting ahead, and staying ahead. Being first means creativity and innovation. It means thinking outside the box and trying something new, going boldly where no man (or baker, in this case) has gone before. Being first means true experimentation and originality: one-of-a-kind, unique, ground-breaking, flour-free baking.
And only? To be exclusive, particular, unparalleled or unrivaled? Being the only one means that there's no competition to watch out for over your shoulder...but there aren't any fore-runners to give you a leg up, either. It can be lonely, being the only.
As in...the only wheat-free bakery. The FIRST and ONLY wheat-free, flour-free bakery. That's us, Bizzy Lizzy. But we don't feel lonely, because you, our customers, show us so much love each and every day. You appreciate our unique vision, and echo that "first-and-only" bravery every time you dare to try something different. You give wheat-free baked goods a shot, and then you keep coming back for more. Without you, we wouldn't be in the lead, even in a contest of one.
That's why we will always put our customers FIRST and ONLY use the finest wheat-free, flourless ingredients. And we'll be the FIRST to tell you, it ONLY takes one taste of our Bizzy Lizzy baked goods to join the flourless revolution.
So why not join us? Give something new a try. We did, and we'll never look back. 
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